
Monday, April 23, 2012

eBook update: Starkness on the Edge of Town

This past week I conducted two interviews for my eBook. I had forgotten how much fun interviews were and I also channeled my “retired” reporter and returned to the scene of that literary crime. I only say that because of early experiences with the rewrite editor at the Record, who seemed to delight in revising my sentences as I called them in.

The first interview was a huge Springsteen fan and had attended 57 concerts, adding a few more on this “Wrecking Ball” tour. He is connecting me to a friend who has been to 500+ concerts, including 180 from the “Darkness” tour alone.  That ought to be interesting.

The second interview was a guy who grew up in Lakewood as a neighbor of some of the Springsteen family. He told me a major figure (I won’t spoil it) in one of Bruce’s songs was based on his Little League coach. This interviewee was such an insider that I’m having second thoughts about using some of the interview because it’s too personal. I want this book to be fun not an exposé. One of the reasons I left journalism was that some of the investigative work was a little too “down and dirty” for me to get involved.

These interviews are getting interesting because they are pointing me to other people who might make good interviews. I could do interviews for months but in the interest of getting the book out I have to cut them off at some point. With an eBook, I can always add them later.

Another idea rounding into shape is the book cover. I am now reconsidering the title because the thumbnail will be so small, a long title will not work. The beauty of black and white photos is that they appear the same way in different eBook formats. I have an excellent black and white stage photo and I am considering a black cover with copy dropped out to white to compliment the starkness. Caught by accident in the photo, is the outline of Clarence Clemens’ sax.

As I get closer to publication date, the whole process is getting more interesting and, in a way, a shame to end. I am committed to finishing this for no other reason than I want to move on and epublishing makes this a bit easier because of the revision process. In a way, epublishing is never final.